facts? easy.
- i don’t give a fuck but i also give a fuck. get it?
- a very great listener. hi
- skincare freak (but truthfully, my skin is not that problematic. i just get addicted to it)
- i don’t cheat. i never cheat. and i hate cheaters. they can go fuck themselves
- loves to dye my hair a lot but somehow, i always put myself in the middle of some place where they forbid myself do it
- i always train my mind to be positive at all times, and always looks on the good side of it
- pretty basic & simple person. doesn’t require that much of an effort or costs lots of money to wow me. but i do appreciate that when you do
- i have my elementary, junior high school, senior high school & college friends closest ones kept close to me
- family & friends are important. so does you colleagues, former relatives and acquaintances. stay connected to them if you can
- used to love drawing & painting. hated it now because of a certain reason
- loves writing and reading a lot right now
- recently discover a deep, passionate love & interest in yoga. and probably will start digging it more and more
- i don’t really like kids.. sorry just stating out the facts
- my brain’s pretty sucks but i’m a fast-learner
- talkative to those who i want to, super quiet person when i’m not in the mood
- i rarely get angry with someone, but when i do, i mostly cry
- my favorite part of my body are my hair, tiddies & bums
- i love all kinds of movies! and musics! and foods! and drinks! i’m willing to try them all
- [before covid-19] “sa, nongkrong yuk” “yuk, kapan?”
- twitter memes makes me laugh
- top 3 indomie flavors; indomie goreng original, indomie rebus ayam spesial, indomie rebus ayam bawang
- i hate cooking but when i do the results were always tastes so good
- always argues and jokes around with my brother but he’s my light of hope who keeps me going. so is my mom
- got my first tatt this year. more to come
- i value those who value me; but also, “do not allow the actions of others to decrease your good manners. because you represent yourself, not others.”
- i won’t be tired listening to your stories even though it’s the same problem again and again and again and i will try my best to be there for you and give advices if needed
- i love cats even though they’re bossy and bitchy
- i used to be a purple girly freak when i was younger. now i’m more into beige, white & black minimalistic shits
- all kinds of cute things in this world makes me scream internally and makes me wants to step on them. including my boyfriend
- i swear a lot