30 days of writing challenge — day 25: something that inspired the 11th image on your phone

Oct 28, 2020


image: from pinterest

nothing inspires me but on the contrary, it is the image that really inspires me. it’s a random quote i saved from tumblr that says:

“the whole point of making art is to be constantly moving.”

i ain’t no artist but i’d like to pour out my opinion on this. i do feel this too, i think, if you ever wanna create art, you should always seek for something. something inspiring, something unique, something that makes your heart beats faster, something that flatters your mind and makes it wanders off off somewhere further and wider than where you’re at right now.

i think, if you stuck in the same place for such a long time, it’s not going to help you grow. it unconsciously prisons you, your soul and your mind. and it won’t help you go anywhere far because you will always feel scared and pressured by the uncertainty. but if you ever made a decision or have the slightest idea of it, i say you should go do it.

no reason why but think of yourself as an artist of your own customized life; that’s all.




living life through the city’s owned traffic jam at its best and skyscrapers hitting the polluted sky, but surely trying my best to survive. cheers.